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> 轉識成智回歸中華中國新世紀
Ge-Fu Lai
  發表於: Mon.01/15, 2024 12:49 am

所屬群組: 站長
發表總數: 515
會員編號: 4,954
註冊日期: 09/10, 16

The world is just an image the Phantom Opera


史丹福碩士心導管設計高階工程師小犬股歌寶貝Google Boy 今早捎信BBCNEWS: Taiwan elects William Lai President in historic election

他說 :President Lai! Dad. I think your mission is done.

No not yet ! 我說還沒!一個從小誦妙法蓮華經長大的孩子柏克萊史丹福畢業儘然不能以華語溝通又不用腦筋笑他是google boy. 對西式教育真是失望透頂!還好叫我Dad 不稱名字!否則真白養了學費那麼貴!


No he is only Taiwan leader Taiwan is not even a country. So Taiwan face Communist China takeover by force. This war will lead to world war 3.

Dad’s mission is unify Taiwan Republic China and mainland communist China together like pre 1949 China. Communist China is a rebellion group by Germany Marxist communist not real China without China traditional Buddhist culture. Lai family is come from an ancient China great king Chou Wen the longest dynasty in China history around 800 years. He has 100 sons. Dad will restore this Ancient great dynasty. A long story I can tell to your gay if you are interested. This is our great family tree.

靈機一動,說慢撥指頭把去年看的封神演義給他們看較快!勘稱是中華的聖經故事!The Greatest story ever told in Ancient China


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